At Terra, we bring 35+ years of recycling and 15+ years of software experience to deliver a modern & comprehensive solution for SB 1383 & beyond.
At Terra, we bring 35+ years of recycling and 15+ years of software experience to deliver a modern & comprehensive solution for SB 1383 & beyond.
At Terra, we bring 35+ years of recycling and 15+ years of software experience to deliver a modern & comprehensive solution for SB 1383 & beyond.
Get in Touch
See the product & chat with our founding team
See the product & chat with our founding team

Explore Our Cutting-Edge Tech
Explore Our Cutting-Edge Tech
Terra tackles your everyday challenges working with SB1383 head on with tailor made solutions.
All the features you need in one place
Terra has automations and advanced features for your EAR, IR, Customized Single Click Reports, Outreach, Route Reviews, Waivers, Edible Food, & More. Say goodbye to Excel workarounds.
All the features you need in one place
Terra has automations and advanced features for your EAR, IR, Customized Single Click Reports, Outreach, Route Reviews, Waivers, Edible Food, & More. Say goodbye to Excel workarounds.
All the features you need in one place
Terra has automations and advanced features for your EAR, IR, Customized Single Click Reports, Outreach, Route Reviews, Waivers, Edible Food, & More. Say goodbye to Excel workarounds.
Zero Cost Onboarding
Unlimited users across Government, Haulers, & Contractors with unique permissions.
Zero Cost Onboarding
Unlimited users with unique permissions.
Zero Cost Onboarding
Unlimited users across Government, Haulers, & Contractors with unique permissions.
Zero Cost Onboarding
Unlimited users across Government, Haulers, & Contractors with unique permissions.
Automated Compliance & Reporting
Embrace peace of mind with automated compliance calculations.
Automated Compliance
Leverage automated compliance calculations.
Automated Compliance & Reporting
Embrace peace of mind with automated compliance calculations.
Automated Compliance & Reporting
Embrace peace of mind with automated compliance calculations.
Free, Instant, Unlimited Data Sync
Seamlessly receive data directly from your haulers, leveraging real time sync so you're up to speed.
Free, Instant, Unlimited Data Sync
Seamlessly receive data directly from your haulers, leveraging real time sync so you're up to speed.
Free, Instant, Unlimited Data Sync
Seamlessly receive data directly from your haulers, leveraging real time sync so you're up to speed.
Focus on your Zero Waste Programs
Save 100+ Hours with Billing Imports
Targeted Environmental Impact
30% Increase in Waste Diversion Rates when using Terra
Single Click Reports
85% Reduction in Reporting Time using our automated single click reports
Modern Outreach
Use in app outreach on targeted generators & share results with your team
Proven Results
Proven Results
Proven Results
Terra provides immediate impact & ROI for jurisdictions & haulers.
Terra provides immediate impact & ROI for jurisdictions & haulers.
Terra provides immediate impact & ROI for jurisdictions & haulers.
What Data does
Terra work with?
What Data does Terra work with?
What Data does Terra work with?
Our team has extensive experience managing complex databases, we're bringing that to Terra.
Our team has extensive experience managing complex databases, we're bringing that to Terra.
Our team has extensive experience managing complex databases, we're bringing that to Terra.
Any existing historical generator data.
Any historical outreach data.
Any historical activity data.
We intake hauler data via API or Upload in seconds in .CSV, JSON & more.
import requests
class TerraAPI:
def __init__(self, api_key):
self.api_key = api_key
self.base_url = ""
def get_compliance_status(self, account_id):
endpoint = f"{self.base_url}/compliance/status"
headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.api_key}"}
params = {"account_id": account_id}
response = requests.get(endpoint, headers=headers, params=params)
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.json()
print(f"Error: {response.status_code}, {response.text}")
import requests
class TerraAPI:
def __init__(self, api_key):
self.api_key = api_key
self.base_url = ""
def get_compliance_status(self, account_id):
endpoint = f"{self.base_url}/compliance/status"
headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.api_key}"}
params = {"account_id": account_id}
response = requests.get(endpoint, headers=headers, params=params)
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.json()
print(f"Error: {response.status_code}, {response.text}")
import requests
class TerraAPI:
def __init__(self, api_key):
self.api_key = api_key
self.base_url = ""
def get_compliance_status(self, account_id):
endpoint = f"{self.base_url}/compliance/status"
headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.api_key}"}
params = {"account_id": account_id}
response = requests.get(endpoint, headers=headers, params=params)
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.json()
print(f"Error: {response.status_code}, {response.text}")
import requests
class TerraAPI:
def __init__(self, api_key):
self.api_key = api_key
self.base_url = ""
def get_compliance_status(self, account_id):
endpoint = f"{self.base_url}/compliance/status"
headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.api_key}"}
params = {"account_id": account_id}
response = requests.get(endpoint, headers=headers, params=params)
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.json()
print(f"Error: {response.status_code}, {response.text}")
Real-Time Uploads
with Terra API
Real-Time Uploads with Terra API
Real-Time Uploads with Terra API
Effortlessly integrate Terra API for real-time updates. Scheduled or instantaneous, our API is industry leading tech.
Effortlessly integrate Terra API for real-time updates. Scheduled or instant, our API is industry leading tech.
Effortlessly integrate Terra API for real-time updates. Scheduled or instant, our API is industry leading tech.
Effortlessly integrate Terra API for real-time updates. Scheduled or instant, our API is industry leading tech.
Bring Terra with You
Bring Terra with You
Bring Terra with You
Terra is compatible across any desktop, laptop, tablet or phone. Use in the field, in the office, or at home.
Terra is compatible across any desktop, laptop, tablet or phone. Use in the field, in the office, or at home.
Terra is compatible across any desktop, laptop, tablet or phone. Use in the field, in the office, or at home.
Customized to your needs
Customized to your needs
Customized to your needs
Need a feature built out just for your account? We'll add this into our onboarding process to ensure its there for you on day 1.
Need a feature built out just for your account? We'll add this into our onboarding process to ensure its there for you on day 1.
Need a feature built out just for your account? We'll add this into our onboarding process to ensure its there for you on day 1.
Our Process
How does onboarding with Terra work?
Week 1: Discover
Our team works with you to understand your unique needs & pain points & to discover any problems we can automate to future proof your experience.
Week 2: Digestion
Our team gathers additional information with your Haulers & Contractors & create automations for your data via upload or API for instant or scheduled syncs.
Week 3: Onboarding
Your jurisdiction, organizations, haulers & contractors accounts are created & invited to use Terra.
Training & Support: Ongoing
Your team receives ad hoc training & support as needed. We provide email, phone & in app support for no charge.
Our Process
How does onboarding with Terra work?
Week 1: Discover
Our team works with you to understand your unique needs & pain points & to discover any problems we can automate to future proof your experience.
Week 2: Digestion
Our team gathers additional information with your Haulers & Contractors & create automations for your data via upload or API for instant or scheduled syncs.
Week 3: Onboarding
Your jurisdiction, organizations, haulers & contractors accounts are created & invited to use Terra.
Training & Support: Ongoing
Your team receives ad hoc training & support as needed. We provide email, phone & in app support for no charge.
Our Process
How does onboarding with Terra work?
Week 1: Discover
Our team works with you to understand your unique needs & pain points & to discover any problems we can automate to future proof your experience.
Week 2: Digestion
Our team gathers additional information with your Haulers & Contractors & create automations for your data via upload or API for instant or scheduled syncs.
Week 3: Onboarding
Your jurisdiction, organizations, haulers & contractors accounts are created & invited to use Terra.
Training & Support: Ongoing
Your team receives ad hoc training & support as needed. We provide email, phone & in app support for no charge.
Our Process
How does onboarding with Terra work?
Connect to Content
Add layers or components to infinitely loop on your page.
Week 1: Discover
Our team works with you to understand your unique needs & pain points & to discover any problems we can automate to future proof your experience.
Week 3: Onboard
Your jurisdiction, organizations, haulers & contractors accounts are created & invited to use Terra.
Week 2: Digestion
Our team gathers additional information with your Haulers & Contractors & create automations for your data via upload or API for instant or scheduled syncs.
Training & Support: Ongoing
Your team receives ad hoc training & support as needed. We provide email, phone & in app support for no charge.
Meet Our Team
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the onboarding experience time consuming?
How long is it going to take to train my team?
Are there hidden costs?
Does this work on mobile?
Is the onboarding experience time consuming?
How long is it going to take to train my team?
Are there hidden costs?
Does this work on mobile?
Is the onboarding experience time consuming?
How long is it going to take to train my team?
Are there hidden costs?
Does this work on mobile?
Is the onboarding experience time consuming?
How long is it going to take to train my team?
Are there hidden costs?
Does this work on mobile?
Terra Compliance LLC © 2024
Upgrade your SB 1383 Experience with Terra
Terra Compliance LLC © 2024
Upgrade your SB 1383 Experience with Terra
Terra Compliance LLC © 2024
Terra Compliance LLC © 2024